Kamis, 14 November 2013

0 Heo Yun Mi

Jangan Lupa Tinggalkan Komentar Kalian Ya...!!!

An unexpected photo set of Korean babe Heo Yun Mi 허윤미 after her several months’ absence on Red Flava! We don’t have any new studio shoots of Heo Yun Mi yet; here are some recent event shots of the model at the ADEX 2013 show (Seoul Aerospace & Defense Exhibition). Take a look!
Heo Yun Mi is also known as Heo Yoon Mi, who is a highly popular race queen and model from South Korea. Heo Yun Mi was born on March 23rd, 1986. Just like race queens Lee Eun Hye and Ju Da Ha, Heo Yun Mi has appeared in many events like this as well as SAS, G-Star and KSF, etc.
Full Story »  http://www.redflava.com/page/3/#feed

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